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Angelic Reiki

A feather, a robin, a butterfly too, are all signs your angels are standing with you.

- Mary Jac

What is angelic reiki?

Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui lineages and combines this with channeled healing from angels, ascended master and galactic healers. It is a high vibrational, multidimentional system of healing and conscious expansion.


How will Angelic Reiki help me?

Angelic Reiki is a system of healing that involves higher beings to heal you at a soul level from your past lives to present day.

Angelic Reiki is deep and powerful, but gentle healing. Energy is also channeled to the client to support on an emotional, physical or spiritual level. Hands are usually placed on the shoulders, but I maybe guided to place my hands gently over different energy points of the body.

Read about each one and go with your gut and your heart. Your choice will never be wrong.

The benefits of Angelic Reiki:

  • It can bring peace and relaxation

  • Alleviate the symptoms of stress related conditions, pain and worry

  • Help to shift mental, emotional and spiritual stagnation

  • Heals deep core issues, which can lead to liberation and empowering yourself

  • Works at the soul level to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all time

  • Raises consciousness and re-awaking an awareness of your connection to the Divine

  • Help those that feel spiritually "stuck"



1 Hour - £45


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